The Businesses have suffered major setbacks due to the COVID – 19 pandemic. The pandemic induced lockdowns and the related social distancing norms are making it difficult for Businesses to remain open for normal working hours. Some places are following strict lockdowns wherein all the Businesses are to be kept shut till further orders.

The world has now slowly started to recover even though it is far from being totally healed and the Businesses have started opening up again albeit with certain restrictions. The Businesses are experiencing a sharp downturn with economists and market experts predicting little to no change in the situation even in the near future. In such scenario it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Businesses to survive in fact many Businesses had to shut their operations completely due to lack of customers.
The maximum burnt of the situation seems to have been borne by the restaurant industry. The restaurants are entirely dependent on the flow of customers. More customers a restaurant can attract the more is its sale and hence a better profit. The pandemic has set everything upside down for these Restaurants. How can we get out of this situation? How can ensure more customers and more orders? The questions are many but answers are hard to find.
Following are a few tips that might help you tackle these new challenges with ease and increase your restaurant’s Orders:
Ensure Quality The proof of the pudding is in eating. Put in simpler words the popularity of a restaurant and consequently its flow of Orders are directly dependent on the quality of ingredients. Using more of fresh local and seasonal ingredients have a major role to play in the overall taste and feel of the dishes. The use of organic ingredients can also be the highlight of your restaurant which can effectively capture the fancy of a wider base of customers. This can actually lead to an increase in the number orders by actually increasing your customer base.
Going Online Keeping in mind the COVID – 19 situation and the safety protocols each one of us we need to follow for our own as well as for the safety of the entire society taking your restaurant business Online is the best move right now.

The pandemic situation demands strict social distancing and following social distancing norms in restaurants is nearly impossible. This is exactly where the advantages of the Online Ordering Systems come in. The Online Ordering Systems allow you to keep your Business going even in these tough times. It also gives the people the pleasure of enjoying their favorite dishes from their favorite restaurants. This can actually increase the number of Orders as the people who cannot dare to venture out will now be able to Order and enjoy their desired foods from the comfort of their homes. It cannot only help you maintain a steady business but actually increase the number of Orders.
Advertising is the Key Modern problems require modern solution. In today’s world advertising is the key. If you fail to give your business the required amount of reach it will be very difficult to increase your sales. Advertisements take your restaurant business to the prospective customers and hence increase your customer base. An increased customer base translates to increase in the number of Orders. A proper advertising strategy can be really helpful in increasing the flow of Orders for your restaurant.
Promoting Your Restaurant In these depressing times what can be better than good food at unbelievably good prices! Utilize the adverse situation to make it a golden opportunity for your restaurant. Try promoting your restaurant through various Online and offline channels. Rolling out exciting offers on popular items introducing new menu and more varieties of items on the menu can actually be helpful in drawing the fancy of customers. Organizing occasional campaigns and small social media competitions that contain cash back rewards or buy one get one and other such lucrative Orders can be a great method to ensure increase in Orders. This in turn can actually increase the number of Orders received by the restaurant.
Focusing on Cross Selling & Upselling Tracking your customer’s Ordering pattern and recent Order details can help you understand their buying pattern and their preferences. Properly analyzing these data can actually help you in cross selling and upselling.

Cross selling refers to the method of actually manipulating the customers into Ordering more by promoting items similar to the ones that are frequently bought by a user. This strategy can actually help in increasing the Order volume.
Upselling refers to the process of manipulating a customer into ordering items more expensive than what is usually ordered by the customer. While this method might actually not increase the volume of Orders but what it effectively does is increase the total Order value which is actually equal to an increase in Order volume since in both the cases there is an increase in overall revenue.
Use your Contacts Reaching out to the customers personally via emails or personalized messages can be a really effective way of marketing your restaurant. The personal touch lent by these personalized messages also makes the customers feel important and consequently happy about the due importance given to them. Small steps like these can actually create a big positive impact on the customers and that in turn might actually lead to more frequent Orders from their end. Even if it does not directly translate into more Orders at least what it can definitely do is create a strong relationship between the establishment and its customers. This will in the long run definitely turn into a steady train of loyal customers which will consequently lead to more sales. To ensure more Orders you must first ensure happy customers.
Venture out Explore The modern young generation or the ‘gen y’ as they are also known as are adventurous eaters. Apart from the regular food they are now more likely to try something more complex and more experimental. Some of them are nowadays more focused on eating healthy more than eating delicious calorie rich dishes. Increasing the diversity and variety of the menu can be a great strategy to increase your sales. The more dishes and more varieties you are able to come up with the more diverse customer base you can cater to which hitherto might have been out of your service base of customers.