The modern world is steadily getting more and more dominated by technology. The most widely used technological device of them all is perhaps the humble mobile phones. The mobile phones which once used to be a luxury device has slowly turned out to be a basic necessity. Nowadays a smart phone is the most common technological device that one can find in almost every household.
The increase in the use of mobile phones have facilitated the development of other technological tools and systems. The Online Ordering Systems have been the best among all the other technological advancements made so far. The Online Ordering Systems, right from the day of their advent have become increasingly popular. The main reason of this ever increasing popularity of these Online Ordering Systems is the ease and comfort that these Online Ordering Systems provide us in our day to day lives.
The Online Ordering Systems can provide us a variety of services depending on the partnering businesses associated with them. Nowadays everyone from a doctor to a restaurant, everyone and every institution are starting their n online services portal. Most of them makes use of mobile Apps that makes it easier for these persons and establishments to take their services to the remotest of the users.
The increase in the sales and use of smart phones have completely transformed the way we shop for everyday products and services. Nowadays there is an App to help us with doing most of our daily works and ordering our essential items. No wonder the Online Ordering Systems and Apps are becoming so widely used of late. With more and more businesses opting the for the Ecommerce space, Online Ordering Systems and Apps are becoming more and more common. Getting your Apps and Online Ordering Systems to stand out from the crowd is absolutely essential.
Let us understand few essential features that every great Online Ordering Systems and Apps must have:
- Vibrant Styling :Looks are something that plays an important role in today’s world. In the modern looks of everything matters. The Apps of Online Ordering Systems are no different. The Online Ordering Systems and their Apps must be designed with care. The design language should be youthful, vibrant and easily intelligible.
- The styling of the App is very important as it is the first thing that most of the users would notice and hence can make or break the Apps over all popularity. Everything else will be considered later, but if an App doesn’t look good it will not at all be appreciated. The design language of the App thus must be paid utmost attention.
- Easy & Secure Payments :The payments section of the Apps are major drawbacks. The safety and the options of using multiple payment options must be provided in the App. This makes the App all the more accessible and frugal. The availability of different payment options makes buying stuff and paying for them all the more easy. Above all, the online payment methods must be safe and secure. The Online Ordering Systems are notorious for payment issues and frauds. Adequate amount of attention must be paid to the safety and security of the payment portals of the Apps. A smooth and secure payment portal supporting different payment options is the most important feature of an App.
- Localized Services : The Online Ordering Systems and Apps makes use of the user’s location data for various functional purposes like for ease of delivery of products. The Apps can use these location data to extend localized services. This makes the overall shopping experience all the more enjoyable and easy. Providing localized services helps in increasing the sales of the establishment as well. The Online Ordering Systems must thus focus on using the location data from their Apps to make their businesses more customer friendly and much more unique and different form the competitors.
- Social Media Compatibility: The social media websites are very popular among people. The user base of the social media sites is varied. In today’s date, everybody from eight to eighty years old use some social media site or the other. The social media sites are thus a good way of taking your Online Ordering System or App to the masses, far and wide. This allows you to reach out to lots of new prospective customers from different locations and to reach out to people who would otherwise be difficult to reach out to. A great Online Ordering System and App thus must allow the users to integrate and handle multiple social media handles from a single App.
- Using Chatbots : Chatbots are comparatively new technology that is being adopted by most of the newer Online Ordering Systems and Apps. A chatbot is basically a computer program or an AI program that helps answer customer queries and frequently asked questions (FAQs) in an automated manner, mimicking a human to human chat interaction. It is a useful tool as it can solve minor issues by addressing customer questions without the intervention of any human.
- Dedicated Customer Care Corner : The customer care section is the most neglected section in case of most of the Online Ordering Systems and Apps. The customer care section should actually be given much attention as it is very important for the reputation of the company as well. The more reputation as a customer friendly that an Online Ordering System can gain the better are its chances of getting increased sales and better overall performances. A dedicated customer care section is thus an absolutely necessary feature that a good Online Ordering System or App must have.
- Push Notification Facilities : An Online Ordering System and App must have a dedicated push notification generation facility. The push notifications are basically advertisements in the form of the short messages. These push notifications are an excellent way of advertising an Online Ordering Systems. It can help boosting the overall sales by reaching out to customers. The push notifications are not given much importance but it definitely plays an important role in increasing the reach and hence the sales of the establishment. A proper push notification generation facility is definitely a must have for a good Online Ordering System or App.
- Secure Delivery : The Online Ordering System and Apps are preferred for their fast deliveries. Even though the Online Ordering Systems are known for fast and accurate deliveries, we often hear about misplacement of orders or delivery of different products than those that had been ordered. To minimize the chances of repetition of such instances, the Online Ordering Systems must make use of new technologies and new improved security features. Security features like pin code authenticated deliveries can be a new and unique security feature. A delivery can only be completed after the customer provides the one time password (OTP) provided by the Online Delivery System. This can ensure accurate deliveries every time and as such can help the Online Ordering System establish a definite brand name.
- Use of Latest Technologies : Technology as we can very well understand, is the future. The rapid pace at which technology has progressed and the unbelievably huge amount of positive changes that it has brought in the various aspects of our lives is simply amazing. With new technologies being developed everyday to make our day to day lives easier technology, as we can perceive, is going to play an even bigger role in our lives in the near future.
- The Online Ordering Systems themselves are an important technological tool that has made our lives so much easier. Loading up the Online Ordering System and Apps with more and latest technologies can make an App even more easy to use. Smart new features like image search and voice search can be added to an Ecommerce App to make the Online Ordering System even more hassle free and futuristic. Incorporating these new technologies will make the App stand out as one of the best and most easy to use Apps among all its competitors.