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What are the Digital Marketing Strategy we can follow to Increase Restaurant Online Ordering?

The success of your restaurant’s Online Ordering System is no longer solely dependent on the taste of the food served. The success of your restaurant or any business for that matter, is highly dependent on the marketing strategies applied. A properly chalked out marketing strategy can actually help you in increasing your sales.

Following are few ways in which you can use digital marketing techniques to increase your Restaurant’s Online Ordering sales:

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Build & Maintain a Website Let’s start from the basics. It’s pretty much a no brainer that in order to market your products digitally, you must have a dedicated website for your restaurant. The website is the basic and the very first step of your Digital Marketing venture. Without a dedicated website, it is nearly impossible to Market you products.

Talking about websites, special attention must be given on the design of the website. A website must neither be too bland nor be too full of information. Achieving the perfect blend of informative yet aesthetically appealing website is the key. The users must be able to able to access all the important information they are looking for, without actually having to look around too much. In other words, the website must be stylish yet highly functional.

SEO Utilization Try focusing more on your local SEOs. Make sure you regularly add blogs on your website and other social media sites. The blogs should be engaging, interesting & full of local SEO keywords and other such SEO techniques like, using metadata embedded images, videos etc. Gather and analyze data of the Ordering pattern and preferences of the local customers, pick up SEO keywords and integrate them into your blogs / restaurant website. Make sure to use the keywords multiple times, so that every time somebody searches / uses those keywords, they automatically get redirected to your restaurant’s page. Say for example every time someone searches BIRYANI, your restaurant’s website should be propped up at the very top of the recommended list of places serving biryani. Focusing on local SEO will help a restaurant achieving organic traffic and this might subsequently turn into more Orders.

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Utilize the Social Media The power and reach of the social media sites is virtually limitless. The social media sites hold an unfathomable potential for successfully giving your business the exposure that it deserves. The user base of the social media sites ranges across all class, age and geographical barriers. Tapping even half of the potential of the social media spaces can take your digital Marketing game to a whole new level altogether. The best part about Social Media Marketing is that you can do it absolutely for free or you can even pay a nominal sum and get your business promoted by the sites for an even better reach. This will ensure a better visibility, greater interaction and will consequently lead to more flow of Orders.

Utilize Influencers In today’s world social media plays an important role in each one of our lives. In fact it plays so much important a role that we even get influenced by certain social media celebrities and such celebrities are known influencers. Nowadays big brands are teaming up with these influencers who have a separate fan base of their own. Taking the help of a social media influencers can thus be a very smart way of marketing your products. With the help of an influencer you can target a very specific group of people – the ones who follow these influencers. This method will thus directly increase the number of orders.

Online Reviews While we might not give too much importance to online reviews studies show that they are actually very important. A recent study by UberEats has shown us that as much as 80% of the common people of US prefer to check the Online reviews of the various restaurants before going out for a meal or Ordering Online.

There is a gross misunderstanding and underestimation of the power of online reviews and ratings. In today’s digital world sharing and getting access to information is way too easy. There is a variety of information available all over the internet. From the review of a pencil to the review of a cruise ship, you can find a review for everything. The ease of access to these information make it all viable for people to quickly go through these reviews and gain a fair bit of knowledge about the services that they are going to avail.

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Start focusing on your restaurant’s online reviews and ratings. These ratings can highly alter the flow of customers and increase your overall sales – both Online and offline. Encourage your customers to add a review and rating for every meal they have or Order Online from your restaurant. Make sure you properly display the good reviews and ratings on websites, social media sites and other Digital Marketing avenues. The positive feedbacks form the customers and positive reviews can have a real positive impact on your restaurant’s sales and can prove to be a great Digital Marketing technique.

Email Marketing Email marketing is the oldest and the most time tested method of Digital Marketing. It is undoubtedly the most underrated method of Digital Marketing techniques. Contrary to all the misconceptions and misunderstandings about the Email Marketing Techniques that we might have, it can actually be a very effective way of marketing your restaurant digitally.The real success of this age old technique of Digital Marketing lies in the fact that despite of being a Marketing technique, it actually lends a personal touch. A personal mail sent at your email ID undoubtedly will always have a much more personal feel than a random advertisement. It makes the customer feel a lot more important and who doesn’t like to feel special and importance! The email Marketing technique is thus more than just a simple Digital Marketing technique to increase you restaurant’s online sales. It actually helps in forging stronger customer relations. This helps in retaining customers, which in turn ensures a consistent customer base and an increased flow of Orders over a longer span of time.

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