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All About QR Menu Ordering System – A Beginner’s Guide

QR Code Ordering Systems have been around for quite a while, but of late it has started gaining a lot of attraction. The ongoing pandemic situation has forced us, all the people across the world, to look at things a bit differently. The pandemic has left us all thinking about ways in which we can minimize human to human interaction.

QR Code Ordering System App

With experts warning of dire consequences if the virus is not kept under control, following the social distancing norms have become absolutely indispensable. This has led to an unprecedented crisis where businesses are suffering badly due to nationwide lockdowns and other localized preventive measures taken by the authorities. Now most of the people can either not come out of their houses due to government imposed lockdowns while other are simply afraid of the highly contagious virus.

With no immediate respite on sight, it’s only logical for the businesses to look out for new ways of conducting their businesses in a touch less way. One such technique that helps in reducing human interactions, which most of the businesses have started using is the QR Code enabled ordering and delivery systems. The QR Code Ordering Systems not only help in reducing human interaction but also makes the overall system lot smoother and faster. Nowadays QR Code Ordering Systems have become very common. From ordering food at your favorite restaurant to increasing the effectiveness of one’s business cards, the QR Code Ordering Systems have a wide variety of functions to perform. What are these QR Codes?

A QR Code or a Quick Response Code is basically a 2D version of barcodes. It can be used for a variety of functions and is easier to access. A QR Code can be used with the help of a simple smartphone. All that one needs to do is simply scan the QR Code with their phone camera and they are good to go. Even though the humble QR Code Ordering Systems might look very tiny they can actually store up to 7089 digits or 4296 characters. It can actually be used to encode words, phrases and even URLs.

Actually, in the initial days, the QR Code Ordering Systems were developed only for use in the manufacturing industries. With the advancement of technology and with smartphones and internet being easily available nowadays, the QR Code Ordering Systems are being widely used for a whole range of services. From online ordering to making quick payments, one can find the QR Code being used almost across all platforms.

QR Code Ordering System App

  • There are two types of QR Codes that are mostly used – Static and Dynamic QR Codes.

    A static QR Code is basically a QR Code that has fixed and unchangeable information. Such QR Codes if generated once, cannot be altered. These kinds of QR Codes are useful for creating large batches of codes for creating employee IDs, event badges etc. Owing to their fixed nature this kind of QR Code makes them unsuitable for businesses or marketing campaigns.

    A dynamic QR Code is where you can edit and update the QR Code even after it has been created. This flexibility makes these kind of QR Code Ordering Systems the best and the most suitable for businesses and marketing purposes. The dynamic QR Code Ordering Systems generally have a short redirection URL attached to them. Every time the users scan a QR Code they get redirected to the attached the page. This makes the dynamic QR Code Ordering Systems so much more useful. As these dynamic QR Code Ordering Systems do not need to store much data except URLs, they do not to be changed in size to hold the required data. The dynamic QR Code Ordering Systems thus remain small in size, which makes it easy to scan and easier to fit them within small spaces on printing materials and packages.


  • Off late the use of QR Code Ordering Systems has increased exponentially. With the increase in their use, they have become all the more varied and more customiseable. Now one can put whatever information or data that one desires to in the QR Codes. Gone are the days when the QR Code Ordering Systems were only supposed to have landing pages and host website URLs. Now with the improvements in the QR Code technology, one can even store pictures, videos, sound files, pdfs and a huge variety of other information in the QR Codes.

    QR Code Ordering System App

  • If you have a proper plan regarding what you want to put into your QR Code ready, it is very easy to design the actual QR Code. Nowadays one can get hold of numerous apps and websites that can help them create their own QR Codes. Simply download and install one such app or pay a small amount of money to sign up with any of the different QR Code creating websites and start creating the desired QR Code.


  • The QR Code Ordering Systems are relatively new and much more easy to use. Companies who have adopted to this new technology have reported a huge increase in sales. A part of this boost in sales is due to the ease of access. The versatility of the QR Code Ordering Systems lets the companies do a lot without actually making use of too many items. Now the companies can personalize their QR Code Ordering Systems to include in them video trailers, images, songs and websites. The small sizes of the QR Code Ordering Systems make them especially useful in creating mobile friendly pages and packing in high amounts of information without occupying too much amount of space.


  • QR Code payment systems are quiet a rage nowadays. The QR Code payment systems are easy to use and makes paying up as easy as it can get. In order to setup a QR Code payment system a company has to first make a tie up with different payment portals. Once the tie up process is completed the company can put up QR Code Ordering Systems of the respective payment portals on their website or on the retail counters. Whenever a customer has to make a payment of a particular amount, all he/she has to do is scan the payment QR Code and they will be automatically redirected to the payments portal. With more and more banks tying up with companies for enabling QR Code payment systems, customers can also directly scan to pay directly from their accounts without even having to use their cards. This ease of payments makes the overall experience of shopping and hence increases the overall customer satisfaction.


  • Feedback is a very important tool that can help a business to identify their weak points and that in turn can help the company to improve their overall service. Most of the companies do not pay adequate attention on the feedback section, even though the feedback section can actually be very helpful in increasing the overall sales of the companies. The feedback section should thus be given adequate attention. Using a QR Code enabled feedback system can be a very welcome change. Creating a separate QR Code to provide a separate link to the users can be really helpful. The ease of accessing a separate feedback section where the customers can give their personal feedbacks by simply scanning a QR Code can actually encourage many customers to provide their valuable feedback. Many a times the customers fail to provide their valuable feedbacks due to the absence of a proper feedback portal, but using a QR Code feedback system can now be helpful for them.

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