The on–going pandemic situations have made more and more restaurants take to the online, touch less ordering systems. Talking about touch less, online restaurant ordering systems, the QR Code Ordering Systems are the best alternative to the traditional ordering systems involving physical menu cards and attendants. No wonder, most of the restaurants nowadays have started to utilize QR code menus to keep their restaurant business going even during these COVID-19 disrupted times.

Why should your business have a QR Code Ordering System? Keep reading on to find out more in our blog!
How are QR Code Menus different from the physical menus?
The menu cards / physical menus are the most important aspect for the restaurants. The physical menu cards are the first point of interaction between the customer and the restaurant that give the customers idea about the restaurant. The menu cards are hence the primary attention grabbers of the hungry customers at the restaurants. The menu cards are thus the best way to communicate with customers which can help them convince the customers to place orders at the restaurant. It can actually make or break the restaurant’s image and in the long run can seriously influence the decision of the customers to visit the restaurant in future.
While we cannot deny the fact that the physical menus are quiet handy but at the same time they have their own set of disadvantages. With the current COVID-19 virus spreading like wildfire, the biggest disadvantage of the physical menu cards have come at the fore front. The physical menu cards are prone to touches. The cleanliness is a big issue of. Keeping the menus clean to prevent any chances of the virus spreading from it is very important part of maintaining safe functioning of the restaurant.
Ensuring cleanliness should be of utmost priority even in the post pandemic world. Keeping cleanliness in mind physical menu cards are far from being frugal. Like the best one do is properly clean up a menu card after each use, which is not only time consuming but also an absolutely ridiculous idea. Apart from that some businesses can also opt for single use paper menus and dispose them off them after every single-use but this also is not too frugal and would instead increase paper waste. It is thus very clear that the cons of the printed menu cards are way too many compared to their pros; so what is the solution? Well a QR Code ordering menu is perhaps the best replacement for the physical menu cards right now!

Understanding How QR Code Menus Are Helpful!
The QR Code Menus are the latest wave technological changes that has taken over our daily lives, particularly our restaurant dining experiences. These new QR Code Menus are the need of the hour. The QR Code Menus are user friendly and above all they reduces the number of contacts required while placing an order. The QR Code Ordering Systems being completely digital, are also very helpful in reducing the environmental impact by reducing the usage of paper that would otherwise be needed to print physical menu cards. In order operate a QR Code Menu all that one needs is, a smart phone with a camera and internet access, and they are good to go!
The real challenge might seem to be the process of creating a QR Code Menu, but in reality it is not as difficult a task as it might appear to be. With the amount of popularity it has been gaining recently, there are already several websites that will help you to create your own QR Code Menu, maybe even for free of cost. All that one needs to take care of is linking their online menu to their QR Code Ordering System and the website shall take care of the rest. The QR Code Menus can be placed anywhere one wants to place them at, like - on every table at the restaurant, under laminations. In fact some places take it a step further and to make it more visually appealing add a printout of the QR code into eye catchy frames which are then placed at the table. These menus can thus be used in several different ways to captivate the user’s interest. The QR Code Menus do not only minimize contact between parties while dining at a restaurant but also it helps in driving traffic to the restaurant’s website. The QR Code Menus thus help in increasing the restaurant’s reach.
In case you are planning to get yourself a QR Code ordering menu, following are a few tips that might be helpful:
- Keep the Font Legible
- Avoid PDF Documents
- Add Description for Items
- Provide Usage Directions
Font size is very important for a menu that is to be used primarily in mobiles. The font size and type must be easy to decipher and big enough so that the consumers can easily read the items of the menu. The aim should be to find a balance of aesthetics and functionality.
The PDF files are typically not so mobile friendly and are difficult to access as the user might need to download an app to open and read PDF files. Usually the PDFs use very small fonts due to which the users have to zoom in and out into the document so that they can read document.

It is important for the menu to be able to provide a clear idea to the customer about the items available. The menu should thus be very detailed with proper descriptions of the menu items just like we see on the traditional menus.
The descriptions help in clarifying the doubts of the customers and thus reduce the need for interacting with attendants.
While most of the customers are well aware of the QR Code Menu and how it works, there are still quite a lot of people who are not much familiar with this technology. Providing a short step wise description of how to access the menu can be really helpful.
All the business around the whole wide world are going through a rough patch, owing to the COVID–19 pandemic and the related restrictions. Many places have loosened the restrictions but the businesses are finding it difficult to turn things around. In fact many small businesses have even been forced to shut down completely. The restaurant businesses in particular have borne the maximum burns. In such a situation the online food delivery systems and the QR Code Menus have thus become instrumental in helping the restaurant businesses to some extent. These new ideas are helping in creating a safe environment for diners. They can help the restaurant businesses to turn around and keep their businesses going, while ensuring the safety of both the customers and the businesses. While the QR Codes are not something absolutely new for the people, it can definitely be a little too confusing at times, to both restaurants owners and customers. Once a person understands how these QR Code Systems work, then it can become absolutely easy for these people to operate these QR Code Systems. At any cost all the restaurant businesses should start to use these QR Code Menus at the earliest because at the end of the day, the QR Code menus are here to stay!