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About Pineserve

What components are available in the Pineserve platform?

Pineserve offers a POS, kitchen display, Kitchen printer, Order Progress Board, Mobile App, and Digital Menu.

How do I leverage Pineserve and its unique functionality?

Pineserve recommends you utilize the entire platform, so you have more time to focus on what matters, your customer’s experienced!

What are some benefits of the Pineserve?

Simply put, the Pineserve never calls out sick, it shows up on time for work, and it may even help you upsell items to your customers! Additionally, the Pineserve allows customers to enter their own order which minimizes the chance for error. Moreover, it allows for a contactless customer experience.

Payments & Integrations

Does Pineserve integrate with any loyalty systems?

Pineserve fully integrates with referrer. Please contact a member of the Pineserve team to schedule a demonstration today!

What happens if I have no Internet?

The Pineserve platform requires internet access.

I currently use Clover for my POS; will this work with the Pineserve Platform?

You are able to use a Pineserve QR Code Ordering Software alongside a Clover system; however, your customers’ orders placed through the Pineserve will not display within the Clover System. Pineserve recommends you either upgrade to the Pineserve Point of Sale solution or utilize the Pineserve Kitchen Printer to facilitate orders.


What if I have a problem?

Support is Pineserve’s #1 feature! Have confidence that a Pineserve specialist is there to assist you with Pineserve equipment, Pineserve software, or related payment issues. Pineserve maintains a crash analytics system to receive alerts when your internet is down or any other connectivity issues arise. Upon receipt of a crash alert, Pineserve will proactively call the impacted location and work with you or a member of your team until the system is back up and running.

About Us

Who should I contact for more information?

Reach out to our Pineserve Sales team by calling +91 944 424 3784 or emailing

What is Pineserve?

Pineserve is a digital QR menu solution that allows you to provide a digital product list to your clients. Clients can see your products with photos, descriptions prices. Your catalog will be attractive and user-friendly with Pineserve. Also, clients can make orders directly on their mobile phones.

Who can use Pineserve?

Pineserve is a digital solution for Restaurants, Hotels, Bars, Cafes, Clubs, Online shops. Any business who wants to have a digital menu for their shop they can use Pineserve.

What countries do you support?

Pineserve can be used worldwide.

How long can I use free demo?

The free trial is available 14 days.

Can I change my plan? Go for a bigger or smaller plan?

Of course, each plan can be adjusted.